Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The Boom of Social Publishing

In today's world, every company wants to improve their social media image and get their thoughts in the public eye. Social publishing has grown over the last 10 years into a way for companies to publish original content on online platforms and then promote these posts on social media. A common misconception is that social publishing and blogging are the same; however, social publishing is more about content creation for a business whereas blogging is more personal.

This form of content creation is important because businesses can create meaningful interactions with their customers and prospective customers. If a company creates interesting content about new products, customers can find these posts and decide from the article whether they want to purchase the new product. These posts can also create dialogue between customers; for example, if customer X reads the post, tries the product and loves it, he or she will tell customer Y and the cycle will continue.

Companies can benefit from social publishing in a few ways:

  1. Regular posting can drive traffic to the company's website
  2. Social publishing can establish the company's authority in its industry
  3. Companies can gain more customers through interesting content
These are just a few ways that social publishing can help companies prosper in today's market. It is a practice that will ensure the boosting of a company's image.